Saturday, 8 October 2011

milk run bonanza

OK Its early so i need to get my airmiles rant over with. I am sitting in Kuala Lumpur domestic air port waiting for my flight to Kota Kinabalu having just flown across 15 time zones. Hmm, I live in the pacific coast I am flying to a pacific island and I needed to travel around the world in the opposite direction. awesome! AirMiles you are dead to me.

Oh , and British Airways you are dead to me as well. Two flights, 16 hours no working entertainment systems whatsoever, late, cold meals, no choice, vegetarian curry, really?? cold vegetarian curry?? This stuff was so toxic I am certain that I was actually watching my plastic fork disintegrate before my eyes. AWESOME! Breakfast omelet with no omelet, still cooking 5 min before landing.

On the bright side its fairly tolerable temp wise 24 C. Last time we were here we I remember standing on the street waiting for a bus at 49 C.

Kuala Lumpur is ramping up big time for the Malaysian motorcycle grand prix, The people are great as usual and the birding fantastic, already have 18 on the trip list. Wish I was smart enough to keep a bird list back in 89 when we were here last. Going to be tough to be certain if some of these birds are lifers.